Yeah... I have to be careful or Mr. Happy will drown.
I doubt Mr Happy will drown with you hanging onto him all the time
ok... i just left the men's room and i noticed that someone in a stall had his pants around his ankles - belt and all... right there piled up on his shoes.
is it just me, or is that a bit odd?
i have never allowed my pants to go down that far when i'm... well... you know... pinching a loaf..
Yeah... I have to be careful or Mr. Happy will drown.
I doubt Mr Happy will drown with you hanging onto him all the time
saddam's palace may be new u.s. embassy
- 12-12-2003. u.s. bombs never hit saddam hussein's grandiose presidential palace in baghdad, making its ample meeting rooms and vast conference tables an ideal headquarters for u.s.-led occupation authorities after the war.
[ by jim krane, associated press writer .
Maybe it would be better to award Halliburton another multi-billion dollar contract to build a new embassy? Would that appease the left?
Very funny Lew.
Here we have a country that has people who are used to earning so little money per month that it would take a years wages to purchase a television yet the left wants what, a culturial center? I think they have concerns more pressing than a culturial center. Their culture is eeking out a living.
Why convert a palace into government buildings? They have government buildings all over Bagdad anyway. I'm sure it will be well perserved as an embassey.
We are rubbing it not in the peoples faces but in the faces of the 100,000 or so supporters of Saddem.
what an audacious question!
" wow, bradley -- how could you stoop to such levels?
do you consider most people as simple sleepwalkers through life not paying much attention to reason, logic, science, history and a desire to understand?
Sunny I didn't take it that way. But I've found most of Bradleys comments condescending in this thread, or in most threads. Especially when he asked me if I've ever made a single substantive contribution to this site, as though whining about this and that is substantive.
Some boys have huge egos, it's ok, easier to rattle their cage.
ok... i just left the men's room and i noticed that someone in a stall had his pants around his ankles - belt and all... right there piled up on his shoes.
is it just me, or is that a bit odd?
i have never allowed my pants to go down that far when i'm... well... you know... pinching a loaf..
Well Elsewhere perhaps his, ahem, urinator is standard sized instead of mini sized in which case his knees wouldn't be far enough apart to allow complete accuracy with his pants up there compared to having them down around his ankles.
And yes, what the hell are you doing peaking under the walls in the mens room? Is it getting a little too dark in that closet my friend??? Is there something you'd like to share with us??? Step out into the light and be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
spoiler, don't read....... .
well i got to watch the next to last survivor show and it was just simply.....wonderful.
i loved how those women finally stuck together.
Dan the only thing about Jon that I'll give him credit for is being the lowest surivior to ever play the game. I'm not a big fan of Sandra since she allowed Christa to take the heat for something she did.
I wouldn't mind if either Darrah or Lil won but I think everyone is smart enough to not allow Lil into the final two. If I were playing I'd make sure Jon got in there with me of course.
what an audacious question!
" wow, bradley -- how could you stoop to such levels?
do you consider most people as simple sleepwalkers through life not paying much attention to reason, logic, science, history and a desire to understand?
Let's not become overly pedantic here. I think most people have a very clear idea what "militant nationalism" is. Can you give me an example of good militant nationalism?
a good idea isn't an exact idea. A good example? Well perhaps what Yeru practices would be considered good militant nationalism. Perhaps the idea that many would pick up a weapon to defend their nation would be considered good.
Attempting to exterminate an entire race such as the nazis did would be considered a bad example. At least that's my opinion Bradley.
what an audacious question!
" wow, bradley -- how could you stoop to such levels?
do you consider most people as simple sleepwalkers through life not paying much attention to reason, logic, science, history and a desire to understand?
*pulls Brads strings*
who's your mama, who's your mama
saddam's palace may be new u.s. embassy
- 12-12-2003. u.s. bombs never hit saddam hussein's grandiose presidential palace in baghdad, making its ample meeting rooms and vast conference tables an ideal headquarters for u.s.-led occupation authorities after the war.
[ by jim krane, associated press writer .
Either that, or some kind of Iraqi version of the Playboy mansion.
Oh I'm sure Uday raped his fair share of virgins in there already.
saddam's palace may be new u.s. embassy
- 12-12-2003. u.s. bombs never hit saddam hussein's grandiose presidential palace in baghdad, making its ample meeting rooms and vast conference tables an ideal headquarters for u.s.-led occupation authorities after the war.
[ by jim krane, associated press writer .
I'm sure the palace can use a coat of paint and maybe even a change in artwork. How many paintings of saddem can someone stomach anyway?
Maybe painting WANTED...DEAD across all those painting would keep them from being a total waste.
what an audacious question!
" wow, bradley -- how could you stoop to such levels?
do you consider most people as simple sleepwalkers through life not paying much attention to reason, logic, science, history and a desire to understand?
As clear as mud Bradley.
Historical Precedence doesn't fall into nearly the same classification as scientific does it? It still can be a subjective area such as opinions. Certainly some areas such as the nazis or tribalism seem very clear to us I wouldn't put militant nationalism in the same category since both militant and nationalism can be subjective, such as to what degree of militanism or nationalism would be applied.
So it's still just your opinion Bradley and your opinion doesn't impress everyone.